Category: Serbia

Internal Displacement and Conflict: Kashmiri Pandits in Comparative Perspective, Book Event, Dr. Sudha G. Rajput

World Refugee Day – some thougths

World Refugee Day: June 20, 2019 This day should be of concern to all of us, as it is a reminder that the issue of refugees, stateless people, asylum seekers and those who remain internally displaced within their countries continue to pose survival challenges for almost 70 million people of our world. Regardless of the …

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Launched My Book: Internal Displacement and Conflict

Successfully launched my book: Internal Displacement and Conflict: The Kashmiri Pandits in Comparative Perspective

Internal Displacement and Conflict:

Displaced Serbians accommodate incoming Syrian Refugees

Where Wars Collide: Inside a Serbian Center Home to Refugees Old and New By Sara Elizabeth Williams November 23, 2015 | 10:41 am Afghani teenager Khalil squinted in the winter Balkan sunshine and winced as he flexed his left bicep, red and inflamed where a police dog bit him a few days back, in Bulgaria. …

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