South Sudan – Internal Displacement rises

South Sudan – Internal Displacement:
Norwegian Refugee Council reports that from December 2013 to-date, 900.000 people have fled due to political disagreements between the current government and opposition forces. People are living in the bushes, under the trees trying to escape the harsh climate, while being exposed to mosquito bites. The usual April rains are going to hamper the relief efforts further.
Sudha Rajput
Read the full story at:


    • Gareeb alla Abdalla on August 29, 2014 at 5:54 pm
    • Reply

    South Sudanese who fled to Sudan due to the ongoing war, have been subjected to many challenges regarding their social identity. The host country Sudan, denied recognizing them as refugees, instead it considered their case neither refugees nor IDPs status. Each of these terms maintain specific rights supported by national and international conventions. They have been granted incomplete definition to their status and this may deprive them of fundamental rights, first they were not legalized to be recruited in government jobs or to posses any assets inside Sudan, secondly they may lose packages of international assistance as refugees. Although the two countries have signed an agreement of (Four Freedoms) which grant the right of work, posses, movement, to the citizenship of both countries but implementation still suspended due to political complications. South Sudanese must be identified in a proper manner as refugees in Sudan at least to receive appropriate protection and reliefs.

    1. Gareeb
      Thank you for your posting
      What you describe resembles the cases of the ‘stateless’ people in Burma and elsewhere
      Tour insights are very valuable
      Sudha Rajput

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