Category: Darfur

Internal Displacement and Conflict: Kashmiri Pandits in Comparative Perspective, Book Event, Dr. Sudha G. Rajput

World Refugee Day – some thougths

World Refugee Day: June 20, 2019 This day should be of concern to all of us, as it is a reminder that the issue of refugees, stateless people, asylum seekers and those who remain internally displaced within their countries continue to pose survival challenges for almost 70 million people of our world. Regardless of the …

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Launched My Book: Internal Displacement and Conflict

Successfully launched my book: Internal Displacement and Conflict: The Kashmiri Pandits in Comparative Perspective

The Displaced Ethnic Serbs from Kosovo

Kosovo and Serbia still embrace the long-running dispute In exchange for normalizing relations, Kosovo fears border changes and territory swaps by Serbia which is bound to resuscitate old animosities in the two former regions within the Yugoslavia federation. Kosovo is no longer a province of Serbia, it lost that right in 2008, after Kosovo declared …

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One Darfur community is sick of fighting – bringing peace back Feb 26 2016 The Darfur conflict erupted in 2003, leading to the death and displacement of hundreds of thousands of Sudanese citizens and capturing the world’s attention. Three years later, the Darfur Peace Agreement was signed — but the war raged on. Then, in 2011, came another peace agreement, the Doha Document for Peace …

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